Elevating Early Childhood to even the playing field.
Support for Families
The Support for Working Families Group was formed in an effort to prioritize the role of supporting parents in raising thriving children.
Research supports the benefits for collaboration across systems and at the community level. Support for Families will provide leadership in the area of early childhood parenting to support the goal of a city-wide early childhood network that supports and promotes raising thriving children.
Some of the projects that the Support for Families Working Group is focused on include partnership with Help Me Grow Nebraska and 123 Connect with Me; holding an annual Early Childhood Family Fair; partnership with Nebraska Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Lincoln Chapter and collaboration on the Early Childhood Celebration during Week of the Young Child; developing ways to enhance the promotion of Protective Factors within our community; expanding parent groups and creating systems for peer support; and participating as the stakeholder group for Parents Interacting with Infants (PIWI).
CEDARS: Family Support: Prevention Services, Contact: Hailey Sloup at 402.436.5437 or email her at hsloup@cedarskids.org
Hope Spoke: Crisis & Residential - HopeSpoke 402.475.7666
Nebraska Family Helpline: 1.888.866.8660
Lutheran Family Services: 402.435.2910 Home - Lutheran Family Services of Nebraska (onelfs.org)
Families Inspiring Families: 402.441.4369 Home : Families Inspiring Families
The Center for People in Need: 402.476.4357 Center for People in Need - Services & programs for low-income people (cfpin.org)
Circle of Security for parenting classes. You can contact Sarah Lowe at Phone: (402) 858-5149 or cosp@nebraskaaeyc.org
Get connected with resources Help Me Grow Nebraska. You can call 2-1-1 and ask for Help Me Grow. www.helpmegrownebraska.org
United Way: 402-441-7700 United Way of Lincoln and Lancaster County (unitedwaylincoln.org)
Lincoln Public Schools, Early Development Network: 402-436-1920 LPS Early Childhood | Early Development Network
MyLink: MyLinkWeb (mylnk.app)
DHHS Child Care Subsidy: Child Care For Parents (ne.gov)
Lincoln Littles Tuition Assistance: Parents | Lincoln Littles
MilkWorks: Home : MilkWorks
Lincoln Lancaster County Health Department: Health Department – City of Lincoln, NE
Community Action Partnership: Community Action | Lincoln Action Program | Families (communityactionatwork.org)
Lincoln Community Baby Closet: Lincoln Community Baby Closet - Home | Facebook
Join Us
Support for Families Co-Leads
Lindsay Bartlett: lbartlett@nebraskachildren.org
Raegan Brown:
First Thursday of each month- monthly meeting. See the calendar under the "Join Us" tab for meeting details.
Upcoming Events
Early Childhood Family Fair:
Sunday February 18th, 2024
2-5pm Gateway Mall
6100 O Street
Lincoln, NE 68505