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Welcome to

LECN Lincoln Early Childhood Network

Play. Learn. Grow. 

Support for Families

The Support for Families  workgroup was formed in an effort to prioritize the role of supporting parents in raising thriving children.

Access to Quality Care and Education

​Our vision is to be a culturally aware and inclusive community where all children and their families are healthy, thriving, learning and connected with a mission to nurture every child on the path to success.

Comprehensive Health

The primary goal of the LECN Comprehensive Health workgroup is to strengthen early childhood comprehensive health systems in alignment with the common goals of the Lincoln Early Childhood Network.


Leadership Team

The LECN Leadership Team is a passionate group of community members who work collectively to remove silos and encourage collaboration in all areas of early childhood.

Prosper Lincoln

Lincoln Community Foundation provided leadership to launch Prosper Lincoln, which brings together thought leaders from across our community to make our city even better.

Representatives from businesses, nonprofits, neighborhoods, government, faith communities, philanthropies, and individuals have worked diligently to gather input from all sectors of our community. Residents participated in a community-wide discussion to set priorities and establish a shared agenda for positive change to address the findings of Lincoln Vital Signs.

A Summit held in 2016 presented the shared Prosper Lincoln Community Agenda, focused on early childhood, employment skills, and innovation and entrepreneurship.

With many partners and through multiple community building efforts, the vision for Prosper Lincoln is:

All children have access to high quality early childhood care and education which lead to a more available workforce today and smarter workforce tomorrow.

 Action strategies for Early Childhood include:

  • Promoting Step Up to Quality programs

  • Raising funds for early childhood scholarships

  • Developing a Lincoln Office for Early Childhood

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